Succession and who will lead us into the future?

Succession - Finding a new CEO/Chairperson is critically important. It requires planning.

On Boarding – the Importance of getting it right

On Boarding - the Importance of getting it right Over the last…

On-boarding: How successful is your programme?

Resources have been invested in the (sometimes lengthy) hiring…

How to make the most of the first 100 days in your new position.

Summary There is a lot spoken about the first 100 days. It can,…

Disciplinary procedures – we all need reminding from time to time!

disciplinary procedures are easy to forget about until, we need…

Time is such a luxury, these days.

Time is not something to be taken lightly,particular when taking…

Fast Track Assimilation – On Boarding a new senior hirer in their first 100 days

Summary What do business leader need to do to successfully effect…

Fast Track Assimilation Brochure – making the most of the first 100 days

Summary In our Fast Track Assimilation brochure, we consider…

Solving the succession planning issue -Case Study

Summary Find out how PSD Partners used it unique network to recruit…